_       _ _ _    _ _ 
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    purveyors of fine, internet-related kipple since 1985.

Muse write up

Muse is a tiny, static CMS I've been futzing around with for some time. I've used an org-mode-like syntax for notes for quite some time, but it isn't 100% orgmode and it tends to make references to other docs. So, I've put together Muse to handle this sort of thing: it handles a good portion of what orgmode does, plus keeps my "notes" directory somewhat tidy. Win-win really.

SO WHAT IS IT? you ask?


Muse is just a few hundred lines of Digamma/Scheme. It's (relatively) easy to understand, and get a handle on.


Static site generators are all the rage nowadays. You can just search Pypi to see what I mean. There's nothing overly special about Muse, save for that it uses an orgmode-like syntax and it's written in Digamma.


Muse can be run in two ways:

The "config.ss" defines certain things (like where blog posts can be found, how to handle internal references, &c.) about a "project".

blogs, news

Muse has two "interesting" (not really) features:


orgmode is an editing mode for emacs that is pretty popular; I'd actually like to make a reader/writer pair for orgmode too, instead of just Muse's orgmode-alike. In any case, it defines a simple, plain-text format to richly structure files; you can have headers, sub-header, sub-sub-headers, formatting, &c. Muse is a simplification of that; it supports syntax that is similar to orgmode, but that was easier for me to parse (as in, it was easier for me to hack together a file converter in 1/2 hour or so :D)

So, here's a basic layout:

#+METADATA-KEY: metadata value
* Header
** Sub-header
*** sub-sub-header
Plain text
/italic text/
_bold text_
- list item
- list item
[Internal reference as defined in config.ss]
(external link text | http://example.com)
    table | entry
    free | form | records
    not | much | to | see | here
` multi-line
code uses the same back-tick
format; inserting four-spaces always killed me.
plus, could be nice for something bable-like.
formatting code can be escaped with \

I've laid out the syntax to require less contextual information before output; I was /really/ lazy when starting this, and I didn't want to spend very much time on it. That may or may not be a good thing; I'm still playing with it, so it may evolve over time to be less lazy-oriented.

When I get around to it, I'll post more data on the Muse site. One thing you may be interested in, is the `config.ss` for this site:

author: "sae"
email: "foo@bar.com"
header-file: "header.html"
footer-file: "footer.html"
blogs: "b"
blog-rss: #t
blog-atom: #f
news: "index.html"
index: {
            "About" "about/"
            "Projects" "p/"
            "Digamma" "p/digamma"
            "Muse" "p/muse"
output: "./output"

Digamma supports trie-backed dictionaries, so config.ss is just a dict that can be read into Muse at runtime. Nothing amazing.


I dunno; that's outside the purview of Muse. Just use rsync or the like. Should not be too difficult; one would only need to rsync the "output" directory with the same on the target machine.

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