five months of coastal living: coastML at four months

Today marks five months of coastal living; let’s checkout the running burndown chart:

I fixed quite a few case related bugs this month, mostly around output. Additionally, the pipelining operators |> and <| now generate the expected code:

>>> c = carpet.CarpetPython("(3 + 4) |> bar |> baz |> blah |> print;")
>>> c.load()
>>> c.generate()
print(blah(baz(bar((3 + 4)))))
>>> c = carpet.CarpetPython("print <| blah <| baz <| bar <| (3 + 4);")
>>> c.load()
>>> c.generate()
print(blah(baz(bar((3 + 4)))))

This month, I’d like to focus on the last few places case forms can exist (at the start of call blocks, for example) and lambda lifting in the same way as case forms are lifted. Additionally, I’d like to focus on new pervasives, such as array-iter-while and array-map-until, for handling while blocks in Python.